September 27, 2024
366, 3rd floor, Mansarover Building, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road, Sultanpur, New Delhi, Delhi 110030

What to Pack for a Jungle Safari?

Game drives are filled with fun and thrill. But jungle outing is much different than a beach or hill holiday. When you are out in the jungle, often driving a four-wheel drive or riding on an elephants back in the morning and at times during night to witness the ideal kill and spot an endangered lion, you need to pack your stuff accordingly. Here is a list of things which you should include in your backpack before you embark on a wildlife tour.


Clothes: these occupy maximum space in your bag. As wildlife safari involves extensive travel, it is good to carry light clothes. Also, now a day’s most resorts and camps offer laundry service. So carrying fewer clothes is not a bad option. T-shirts convertible cargo pants, fleece jacket, cotton socks, raincoat, waterproof pants, light shoes or long boots (depending upon the weather) must be carried.

Power plugs: during a wildlife safari, you will always need to keep your mobiles, camera and iPad charged up. Therefore you must carry multi-utility cigarette lighter charger to charge your gadgets whenever required. Lodging and safari camps do have charging facilities. So you can use them also.

Camera: it is a must carry equipment during game drive. Your camera must have a powerful lens to take a shot of the endangered species. As animals are often far out in the world, a powerful expandable lens is the best way to photograph their movements. If you are out in the wild during night, an expandable lens of a DSLR camera is the best way to capture a kill.

Sunscreen: while you are out under the hot sun and traveling through dense jungle, a non-greasy sunscreen is a must carry. Moisturize your face and arms well before going out in the sun. Any sunscreen with SOF 30 or above will do well.

Mosquito repellant: while you stay in a jungle camp or any resort inside the jungle area during a wildlife safari, do not miss out on mosquito repellant. Jungles are full of mosquitoes and it is advisable to apply the mosquito repellant cream on your exposed body parts to stay away from their dangerous bites.

Torchlight and iPad: who doesn’t love to explore the wild during darkness? To remain away from wild insects and thorny bushes, use your torchlight during your walk between tents and dense tall trees. Also if you have an iPad, carrying it is a good option. You can save a lot of information in it beforehand and refer to it while required. They also come with good megapixel cameras, so can be used for photography.

Feel a sense of adventure while you drive on the muddy terrains, narrow bumpy roads and cross streams and bushes. Stay on, stay put and enjoy game drives that make you meet the wild, the other at times dangerous and at times silent creation of God. If you are an adventure lover or a wildlife enthusiast, feel free to contact us before you pack your bags for a wildlife expedition. We at GeTS Holidays organize mind-blowing wildlife safaris in India to make you feel the zeal of the wild.

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