September 26, 2024
366, 3rd floor, Mansarover Building, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road, Sultanpur, New Delhi, Delhi 110030
India tour packages

India Tour – The Spectacular Tourist Attractions

Visiting India in any time of the year is fascinating. The versatility of the Indian sub continent is full of colours and vigour. From the northern most region of the country to the southern tip and from the west corner to the extreme east, the country offers something or the other to everybody. The northern part of India is adorned by the beauteous Himalayan range which shines like a crown on the head of mother India. The peninsular world of India is the most glamorous as the three ocean bodies surround it. Apart from the beauty of nature, India has a diverse and rich culture and history.

Jammu and Kashmir is the northernmost state of India. It is also referred to as “Paradise on earth”. Ladakh is also known as “moon on earth”. It has beautiful scenic beauty, consists of naked mountains and deep gorges. Kerala is the southern state which is known as the “gods own country”, visiting this place is just like kissing nature. Rajasthan is the proud state of owning the most famous monuments and the dry Thar Desert. It is the best place to seek the glorious history of India. North-Eastern India, he seven sisters, the hilly region offers green, beautiful, fresh environment which is again a must visit for all the tourists.

India tour packages

The country Life is spicy and varied, we need to seize every moment and explore the horizons. Experiencing everything at its best will only add up to our BOOK OF MEMOIRE. So grow wings and visit every possible place so that you are not left with anything to regret.

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