September 27, 2024
366, 3rd floor, Mansarover Building, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road, Sultanpur, New Delhi, Delhi 110030

The greatest Travellers ever born – A quick reminder!

The point was NOT to totally intimidate you with their remarkable minds and extraordinary ventures, it was just to remind you all what travellers have achieved and should continue to achieve. Yes, we are lazy and planning a trip is far more easier and relaxing then actually going on one, and yes we are busy ruling the world, but satisfaction comes only with experience. So sit up straight and don’t just plan, book your tickets and take that prolonged vacation. Right away!

There have been travellers who changed the face of the world forever, who began their journeys into the vastness of the universe and came out winners. They had no theories, no rules, yet they managed to bring in a wave of difference. We’ll talk about 5 of the greatest explorers ever, who chose travelling as a means to their discoveries.

First on our list is Charles Darwin– The great Darwin, founder of the evolutionary theory. He travelled across the Atlantic, the pacific, hiked and trekked up mountains and raged desserts. A great traveller of his time he found travelling exhilarating and changed the world we think forever.

Not to forget Christopher Columbus, this fearless explorer is the most controversial traveller of the world. In his quest to navigate through the mighty sea, he actually discovered America and opened the gates for numerous other discoveries. He was a visionary and a frenetic traveller.

Captain James Cook, ardent explorer, scientist and a crazy traveller, he gave us Australia and New Zealand and circumnavigated the globe, not once, but TWICE. His genuine interest in other cultures and intrepid attitude inspired centuries of sailors who followed his footsteps.

Yuri Gagarin, first human to travel outer space, he fuelled the space race in the world. This Russian-soviet pilot took the greatest leap into the unknown and the modern day legend of our century. His focused and fearless style drove him to extremes and he, as we know it, changed the way we look at space for all the generations that will follow

And last, but definitely not the least, Ibn Battuta, who hasn’t heard about him. A Moroccan geographer and explorer, he travelled extensively for over thirty years from country to country and wrote his account that was later published in “Rihla”. He fought pirates, was held hostage, and had to hide in most of his journeys and is considered to be one of the greatest traveller ever.

Now, this is how you travel. These guys surely knew how to take trips and come back wiser and popular. But what is common in you and them is that unrivalled amount of curiosity to experience something new, well, they sure did something about it- and so should you!


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